Sunday, January 6, 2008

Basketbrawl of the Wild - One Last Time

I believe that twelfth night served as a perfect final Cat-Griz game for me last night. The Cat's embarrassed the "all-so-mighty" University of Montana Grizzlies in the second half of the match last night. I don't think I've seen defense as tight the Bobcats played in the second half since the 1989-90 Detroit Pistons. It was a fantastic light to see my final installment of this cross-state rivalry in. I will always have a special attachment to the athletics department out here, mainly because I spend a lot of time covering them over my two year tenure as a sports writer for the old Exponent. It is still very important to point out the differences between the two Exponents, primarily because the "New" ASMSU Exponent is one of the worst disgraces to student journalism I've seen. It's pretty bad when the English department distances itself from it. But I digress. Congrads Bobcats on a long deserved victory last night.

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