Monday, March 23, 2009

A Quick Catch-Up: Publications and Return to the Grind.

I have returned to the great southern hill country of Indiana's Monroe county after a trip up to the rust belt centre of Windsor/Detroit for a late week get away. Good news is that both cities are physically intact and fire brimstone haven't actually welled up and out of the river, yet. We managed to catch our first game at WFCU Centre and eat a little Pho. All in all, a very successful trip. I just love the feel of rust in the air. What can I say.

There are a couple of publications of note that just came out. Only of note because I have some work appearing in them. The first is a big shout out to READ THIS, who have published their spring issue. You will note that I manage to grace the pages of the issue with a few fellow IU MFAers. It's good to see that they are still cranking out some solid issues, keeping the dream alive in Bozeman, MT. My piece is an excerpt of a longer short story I wrote while working at the Ambassador Bridge almost a decade ago. "Glimpses of Honolulu Blue" finally sees the light of day. You can read the whole issue at Read This Website.

The San Pedro River Review has released their inaugural issue. They are based out of Tucson, AZ and are affiliated with a local press there. I just received my contributor's copy and I really enjoy many of poems in it. My poem "The Lilies of Riverie Canard" appears in it. It's a publication of quality that I am ecstatic to have my name associated with. If anyone is looking for copies you will have to contact them directly. I believe they have a special for institutional copies.

I'm returning to work on a couple of poetry pieces and the longer bits of novella compilation. My first pantoum is in the middle drafting stages and "To Come Upon the River Narrows" (once Bastion of Industrial Decline) is about to get fired back up again. There is a potential mythology ala Duluoz I can see emerging. Be Bold. Writing is only for those with the wherewithall to withstand the punishment.

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