Friday, February 20, 2009

Grunge, Subversive Poetic Activities, and Greyness

I got an email from a fellow writer declaring that would should actively pursue the return of Grunge to forefront of the American Art scene. I must admit to a certain desire to pursue this plot to successful end. I more or less started to come of age in this grunge era (yep, long johns, shorts, wool socks, I had it all), and a large part of me really would enjoy this coming back. Oh, Oulette Street, the Second Cup, and the power of being in a half-illusionary band. It might help the bleakness of spring/late winter in the mid west a little better. For some reason this song came to me (Dollar Bill - Screaming Trees) and really felt the need to post it. I might even try to build this into a short story set in Windsor. Sorry it's not the original music video.

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